Herman B Wells Senior Recognition Award Selection coordinated and award administered by the Indiana Memorial Union Board , 855-4682. Nominations solicited by faculty mailing. Elvis J. Stahr Distinguished Senior Awards Selection coordinated by the Indiana Memorial Union Board 855-4682; award administered by the Student Alumni Association , 855-7221. Nominations solicited by faculty mailing. Ken Gros Louis Scholarship $5,000 award to a student for use during their senior year on the IUB campus. Administered by Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs , 855-8187. Deadline in spring. Beryl Showers Holland Fellowships and the Susan Butler and Clara Jovan Goodbody scholarships. Values of the awards vary from $1000 to $3000. Administered by Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs , 855-8187. Commission on Multicultural Understanding Awards The purpose of the annual awards, presented by ...
Undergraduate Degree Scholarships, Grants and Financial Aid Positions, Undergraduate Scholarships and Grants for Students in USA, College University Undergraduate Scholarships